Feelings and Emotions
A list of 35 books to help parents talk to their children about feelings. Topics include, but are not limited to: emotion expression, emotion naming and connection with physical sensation, coping with difficult feelings, harmful messages about emotion and masculinity and normalizing emotional expression in men, addressing feelings of fear and anxiety, managing anger and frustration, and coping with loss and grief.
Boys Will Be Human: A Get-Real Gut-Check Guide to Becoming the Strongest, Kindest, Bravest Person You Can Be Hardcover – Coming out October 4, 2022
This book is a “real-talk, self-esteem-building guidebook that helps boys ages 10 and up embrace their feelings and fears instead of repress them.”
Inside Out from Pixar – Helps identify primary emotions: sadness, anger, fear, joy, and disgust. The movie teaches multiple lessons like embracing sadness when we feel it, tapping into our core memories and allowing ourselves to process the mixed emotions that may come with them, you can’t control others’ emotions but you can identify and govern your own, active listening is key, and emotions aren’t good or bad – they just are what they are!
Soul from Pixar – This movie explores existentialism and the meaning of life. Some lessons in this movie include the importance of practicing mindfulness, keep your vision broad and try not to get trapped in “tunnel vision,” and finding your spark or whatever truly makes you happy/sparks joy.
Cars – Believe it or not, Cars helps teach children some important life lessons! Not only does it teach children about the importance of teamwork and how every person on the team holds value, but it also teaches them how cooperating can be positive.
Finding Nemo – This movie sends a simple, yet obvious message: people with physical differences or those with disabilities do not need constant protection. They have their own abilities, as important and useful as others’. Once we are able get over our fears and difficulties, we come to realize that we can achieve many things.
Zootopia – This movie also deals with the power of words but touches more on the dangers of judging others and stereotyping. This movie also helps teach children about tolerance.
Ask Lisa: The Psychology on Parenting, Episode 46 – How Do You Help a Kid Who Shuts You Out?
Move the World Emotion Motion Podcast
Meeker Parenting: Parenting Great Kids, Episode 78 – Helping Kids Identify Their Feelings
Focus on the Family: Focus on Parenting Podcast – A Safe Place for Feelings
On Boys – Managing Emotions
Hi Mama: The Preschool Podcast – How to Talk About Feelings & Promote Emotional Intelligence
Info About Kids is an ongoing collaboration of the Consortium for Science-Based Information on Children, Youth and Families. Their main goal is to promote healthy child and family development by highlighting science-based information for those who care for, or work with, children. Information provided on the site is meant to complement and not replace any advice or information from a health or education professional.
The APA (Division 53) partnered with the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies to create a website that offers information on the symptoms of and treatments along with their efficaciousness for behavioral and mental health problems in children and adolescents. The site “also helps parents determine whether a child’s behavior is normal or is a sign of a bigger issue, and offers guidance on selecting a child psychologist.”
Effective Child Therapy – By the Society of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology
Everyday Parenting: The ABCs of Child Rearing is a free course offered to help parents learn different techniques related to behavioral change in children and adolescents. The course includes 20 how-to videos exploring parenting techniques to address problem behaviors in the home and at school. Th course was developed by former APA president Dr. Alan E. Kazdin.
Everyday Parenting: The ABCs of Child Rearing | Coursera
Resilience Booster: Parent Tip Tool was developed by APA’s Children, Youth, and Families Office and its Office on Socioeconomic Status to provide parents and caregivers with tips on how to boost children’s resilience in the face of adverse experiences. It includes tips for where children spend most of their time (home, school, childcare settings, neighborhoods, and communities) and how these environments can contribute to the building of resilience in children. It also includes information on children with differing ability levels.
Resilience Booster: Parent Tip Tool (apa.org)
Magination Press is an excellent resource for parents as it is APA’s children’s book imprint and is home to more than 180 publications. These titles cover a variety of challenges, such as starting school, shyness, divorce, autism, trauma and death. While many of the titles are books strictly for therapists to use in session, there is also a good number meant for children and parents to read together. “Every book includes a section for parents and caregivers, written by a psychologist, that provides the psychological science behind the story as well as practical tools and strategies that parents can use with their children.”
Magination Press Children Books (apa.org)
Milestones and understanding early life development in children ages 0-3. Helping support babies and toddlers to have a strong start in life.
Check out the resources included below to explore available applications for medication management and mood and behavior tracking.
Medication Reminder Apps for Apple and Android – GoodRx
6 of the Best Medication Reminders: Apps & More (healthline.com)
Mood tracker apps: Learn more about some of the best options here (medicalnewstoday.com)
Black Emotional And Mental Health (BEAM): https://beam.community/wellness-tools/
This organization provides information on mental health training and toolkits. They also have a directory of Black therapists who provide online services.
BlackLine: https://www.callblackline.com/
a 24/7 national crisis support hotline (with a text option as well) provides a space for peer support and counseling, reporting of mistreatment, and affirming the lived experiences to those who are most impacted by systematic oppression. Operated with an LGBTQ+ Black
Femme affirming lens.
Sista Afya Community Mental Wellness: https://www.sistaafya.com/
sustains the mental wellness of Black women through building community, sharing information, and connecting Black women to quality mental wellness services.
Black Mental Health Alliance: https://blackmentalhealth.com/
develops, promotes, and sponsors trusted, culturally-relevant educational forums, trainings, and referral services that support the health and wellbeing of Black people and other vulnerable communities.
Black Mental Wellness:
provides access to evidence-based information and resources about mental health and behavioral health topics from a Black perspective, highlights and increases the diversity of mental health professionals, and decreases the mental health stigma in the Black community.
Melanin and Mental Health:
connects individuals with culturally competent clinicians committed to serving the mental health needs of Black & Latinx/Hispanic communities.
National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights: Call 1-510-465-1984
– An organization working to defend and expand the rights of all immigrants and refugees, regardless of immigration status.
Latinx Therapy https://latinxtherapy.com/
Breaking the stigma of mental health related to the Latinx community; learn self-help techniques, how to support self & others.
Therapy for LatinX https://www.therapyforlatinx.com/
The website is also available in Spanish. Like NAMI, the website also offers a wealth of information, news and resources about mental health conditions and how they relate and pertain to the LatinX community
Asian communities globally.
A Mental Wellness Activity Book for Asian Americans
The University of Connecticut’s Asian and Asian American Studies Institute has partnered with the #IAMNOTAVIRUS campaign and the Asian American Literary Review to provide students with this Mental Health Workbook. It includes journals, poetry, literature and more resources to help support Asian American mental health.
National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center:
A Native-led non-profit that aims to end domestic violence again American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiian women.
Ask Lisa – The Psychology of Parenting
Hosts Dr. Lisa Damour and Reena Ninan cover multiple difficult areas related to parenting. Topics include, but are not limited to, college rejections, feelings of nagging your children, how stepparents fit in, children with depression refusing therapy yet still wanting to help, and how to boost mental health in 2022.
Parenting ADHD
Penny Williams is a mother raising a child with ADHD and her podcast is meant to serve as a forum for parents to know that they are not alone in their journey of feeling lost and overwhelmed with all the information floating around out there. She hosts individuals who work with children with ADHD, learning disabilities, autism, and other mental health concerns. While topics mainly focus on symptoms and questions about ADHD, other topics are explored like stress and anxiety, . The speakers come and speak about a wide range of topics children may be struggling with and how best to support the child.
Trans Lifeline – 877-565-8860
Trans Lifeline provides trans peer support for our community that’s been divested from police since day one. We’re run by and for trans people.
LGBT National Youth Talkline – 1-800-246-7743
Free and Confidential peer support for the LGBTQ and questioning community ages 25 and younger.
Mondays to Fridays from 1 pm – 9 pm pacific
(Monday to Friday from 4 pm – midnight, eastern)
Saturday from 9 am – 2 pm pacific
(Saturday from noon – 5 pm eastern)
TrevorLifeline – 1-866-488-7386, text ‘START’ to 678-678, OR begin a chat at thetrevorproject.org/get-help.
If you are thinking about harming yourself — get immediate support. Connect to a crisis counselor 24/7, 365 days a year, from anywhere in the U.S. It is 100% confidential, and 100% free.
Local Organizations
PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are respected, valued, and affirmed inclusive of their sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.
DMH Young Adult Resource Guide LGBTQ Resources | Mass.gov
The official Mass.gov website offers Massachusetts specific resources available to the LGBTQ+ community, as well as to youth and young adult specific populations.
If you are specifically looking for resources regarding safe locations for those belonging to LGBTQ+ community.
Mass NOW
Mass NOW is a multi-issue, multi strategy feminist organization in the Commonwealth offering resources and information for the LGBTQ+ community and allies.
We R Native: https://www.wernative.org/
A comprehensive health resource for Native youth by Native youth, promoting holistic health and positive growth through the teachings of Native culture, history, and current events.
Center for Native American Youth: https://www.cnay.org/
A national education and advocacy organization, CNAY works to improve support and equality for Native American youth so that they may have the best possible chance for achieving a bright and happy future for themselves and their families.
National Alliance for Hispanic Health https://www.healthyamericas.org/more-resources
The National Alliance for Hispanic Health now provides services to more than 15 million LatinX people throughout the U.S. Its members provide services to more than 100 million people every year.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Minority Health https://lulac.org/programs/health/
Serves to improve the health of racial and ethnic minority populations through the creation of health policies and programs that will work to eliminate health disparities. The website provides information and links to other mental health resources in several languages, including Spanish.
Asian American Health Initiative Resource Library: AAHI Resources – Asian American Health Initiative (aahiinfo.org)
Library of mental health resources, including accessible stories and videos, available in English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Hindi
The South Asian Mental Health Initiative & Network (SAMHIN) Mental Health Resources | SAMHIN
is a non-profit that works to address the mental health needs of South Asian folks living in the United States.
Asian Mental Health Collective: https://www.asianmhc.org/resources-directory/
raises awareness about the importance of mental health care, promotes emotional well-being, and challenges the stigma concerning mental illness amongst
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